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Billing Information

Seansa RT, s.r.o.
Za Dielom 2
Rajecke Teplice 013 13

Company Registration Number: 35 893 451
Tax ID: 2021880399
VAT Number: SK2021880399

Company is registered in the Commercial Register of the Municipal Court in Žilina, under Section Sro, inset No. 61893/L

Under supervision of:
Slovak Trade Inspection, Inspectorate for Žilina region
address: Predmestská 71, P.O. Box B-99, 011 79 Žilina 1, Slovakia
telephone: 041/763 21 30

Fio banka, a.s. (Business bank name)
IBAN: SK47 8330 0000 0025 0125 0365 (EUR)